C # more elegant replacement for foreach-search

Here is the entire method inside the class:

public Foo GetFooByInfoName(string name)
    Debug.Assert(name != null, "name is not an optional argument");
    foreach (Foo f in storedFoos.Values)
        if (name.Equals(f.FooInfo.Name))
            return f;
    return null;


I've obviously changed the names, so let's assume that FooInfo is required and Name cannot just be a property of the Foo class.

Is there a more elegant way to write this method? I'm not very familiar with C #, but I feel like there is an extension method or something that can turn this method into a 2-liner.

Note. I'm looking for readability, this is not a competition to reduce the number of lines. I just think the method would be clearer if C # had a way to find the named Foo

in one line.

(I am using C # 3.5)


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4 answers

return storedFoos.FirstOrDefault(f => name == f.FooInfo.Name);

You need to make sure that you have using System.Linq


By the way, C # overrides the == operator for strings, so it's usually easier to use == instead of .Equals (much more readable and idiomatic C #).



Have you considered LINQ?

storedFoos.FirstOrDefault( f => name.Equals (f.Name));




You can use Linq:

var foo = storedFoos.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == f.FooInfo.Name);





you can use for the record, it's something like this:

public Foo GetFooByInfoName(string name)
    Debug.Assert(name != null, "name is not an optional argument");
    var f = storedFoos.Values.Where(x => x.FooInfo.Name == name)
                              .FirstOrDefault()//gets the first value or null
    return f;


Note. Make sure you have the using System.Linq




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