How to fix the selected processor does not support `movw 'when trying to compile x264 for amrv6?

I am getting the following error when trying to compile x264 for android armv6.

common / arm / pixel-aS: Assembly messages: common / arm / pixel-aS: 1206: Error: the selected processor does not support movw ip,#:lower16:235963' common/arm/pixel-a.S:1206: Error: selected processor does not support

movt ip, #: upper16: 235963 'make: * [common / arm / pixel-ao] Error 1

my x264 script

./configure --extra-ldflags = '- march = armv6' --extra-cflags = '- march = armv6' --cross-prefix = arm-linux-androideabi - enable-pic -host = arm-linux


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1 answer

MOVW and MOVT are ARMv7 instructions, not ARMv6 instructions. Android only supports 2 ARM ABIs (ARMv5 and ARMv7). You need to enable ARMv7 ABI in file by installing it:

APP_ABI := armeabi-v7a


The documentation for these instructions can be found on the ARM website here:

ARM Blog - How to Load Constants in ARM Instructions



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