How do I dynamically change the color of an element?

How can I change the colors of elements using variables?

Let's say we have four lines (colors). I need to give each element of the class a different, 1,2,3,4,1,2,3 ... and so on:

function pressLineColors() {

    var a = "#eee",
    b = "#123",
    c = "#fff",
    d = "#ae23e5";

     $('.pressLine').each(function (i) {
         //go througt each of this, and give them colors, so when new elements
        // appear, give them next color. 


The first sholud element has color a , second b , third c , fourth d and fifth a , ...


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6 answers

function pressLineColors() {

    //setup array of colors and a variable to store the current index
    var colors = ["#eee", "#123", "#fff", "#ae23e5"],
        curr   = 0;

    //loop through each of the selected elements
    $.each($('.pressLine'), function (index, element) {

        //change the color of this element
        $(this).css('color', colors[curr]);

        //increment the current index

        //if the next index is greater than then number of colors then reset to zero
        if (curr == colors.length) {
            curr = 0;


Here's a demo:


You can also use the suggestion in the comments to this answer to shorten the code a bit:

function pressLineColors() {
    var colors = ["#eee", "#123", "#fff", "#ae23e5"],
        len    = colors.length;
    $.each($('.pressLine'), function (index, element) {
        $(this).css('color', colors[index % len]);


Here's a demo:


You can also use .css('color', function (){})

to iterate over each of the elements, returning the color you want to create:

$('.pressLine').css('color', function (index, style) {
    return colors[index % len];


Here's a demo:



function pressLineColors() {
  var a = ["#eee","#123","#fff","#ae23e5"];

  $('.pressLine').each(function (i, ele) {
    $(ele).css("color", a[i % a.length]);




have these colors in the array

function pressLineColors() {

a = new Array();

a[0] = "#eee",
a[1] = "#123",
a[2] = "#fff",
a[3] = "#ae23e5";

var c = 0;
var size = a.length;

 $('.pressLine').each(function (i) { = a[c];
      if(c > size) c = 0;




Create a variable to track, and a separate function will allow you to add items later and track

/* colors in indexable array*/
var colors=["#eee", "#123","#fff","#ae23e5"];

var counter=0;
$('.pressLine').each(function () {
         $(this).css('color', colors[nextColorIndex()]);


function nextColorIndex(){
    var ctr=counter;
         counter=(++counter <colors.length) ? counter++ :0
         return ctr;






you need to put your list in an array-like object and then access by index;

function pressLineColors() {

var colors = [ a = "#eee",
b = "#123",
c = "#fff",
d = "#ae23e5"];

 $('.pressLine').each(function (i) {
     //go througt each of this, and give them colors, so when new elements
    // appear, give them next color. 

   $(this).css("color" , colors[i]);




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