Why is wont javascript "checkbox.disable" grayed out to associate a label in ASP.NET?

I am using javascript to disable checkboxes in checkboxlist like this:

        var objItem = document.getElementById("<%= resCBL.ClientID %>");
        var checkBoxes = objItem.getElementsByTagName("input");

        if (form1.secTB.value == 0) {
            checkBoxes[0].disabled = true;


This code works great, but when the page is rendered in IE, the text attribute for that checkbox is displayed as a label, and so only the checkbox appears grayed out, not the checkbox AND text.

If I just installed

Enabled = false


in the .aspx codebehind, it highlights everything but makes it impossible (with my current method) to re-enable CB and not greyed out the label.

Can anyone tell me how to get around this and help me understand why he is doing this?


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2 answers

If you look at the HTML output from the checkbox control, you can see that there is an associated one <label for="checkbox_client_id">Text</label>

- which is why setting the checkbox as disabled does not gray out the text.

When viewing a page from IE ASP.NET wraps <input>

and associated <label>

with using <span disabled="disabled">

. IE will disable all elements within the range, which is why it disabled the checkbox and label.

However, since span is not a form element, most other browsers follow W3C rules and ignore the "disabled" attribute. Disabling fly-around checkbox will only work in IE.

The easiest solution I can think of is to repeat this behavior manually. Check the box with a range, then when enable / disable the checkbox uses CSS to style the range and get the desired effect to work in all browsers.

var objItem = document.getElementById("<%= resCBL.ClientID %>");
var checkBoxes = objItem.getElementsByTagName("input");

if (form1.secTB.value == 0) {
    checkBoxes[0].disabled = true;
    checkBoxes[0].parentNode.class = "disabled";


PS Sorry if I sound snarky - IE always annoys me with it endless "subtleties"



Add the disabled attribute to InputAttributes

instead CheckBox


CheckBox1.InputAttributes.Add("disabled", "disabled");



The problem is that the control <asp:checkbox />

gets rendered like this:

<span><input type='checkbox'></span>


The real problem arises when you have a check box: <asp:CheckBox Enabled="false"/>


It will look like this:

<span disabled='disabled'><input type='checkbox' disabled='disabled'></span>




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