How do I decode a string in JavaScript?

This doesn't work for me:

var foo = "Collection%3A 9 Bad Interviews With Former GOP Presidential Candidates";



It outputs:

Collection%3A 9 Bad Interviews With Former GOP Presidential Candidates


This is not true if you enter the line foo into the site like this:

It shows the right output, which is:

Collection: 9 Bad Interviews With Former GOP Presidential Candidates


How do I decode a string correctly?


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4 answers

Differences between decodeURI and decodeURIComponent

The main differences are:

encodeURI is intended to be used in a fully qualified URI.

encodeURIComponent is intended to be used on .. well .. URI components, which are any part that falls between delimiters (; / ?: @ and = + $, #).

So, in encodeURIComponent these delimiters are encoded also because they are treated as text and not special characters.

Now back to the difference between decoding functions, each function decodes strings generated by its respective encoder, taking care of the semantics of special characters and their processing.

so in your case decodeURIComponent does the job



What about:

unescape("Collection%3A 9 Bad Interviews With Former GOP Presidential Candidates")




Use decodeURIComponent :

var decoded = decodeURIComponent(foo);



has some of the problems you see. decodeURIComponent

is the best tool for this job.



The URI is expected to decodeURI()

look like this:

Collection:% 209% 20Bad% 20Interviews% 20With% 20Former% 20GOP% 20Presidential% 20Candidates

Check out this jsFiddle demonstrating what I mean. You will want decodeURIComponent instead .



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