Web API and render template, should they be in the same function call?

I am new to web development. Now I am implementing a simple form to create / edit a user with a submit button.

I would like to know how best to practice this.

I have already defined this kind of web api

URL           Method    Description
/users/       GET   Gives a list of all users
/users/       POST  Creates a new user
/users/<id>   GET   Shows a single user
/users/<id>   PUT   Updates a single user
/users/<id>   DELETE    Deletes a single user


My first approach:

I am creating two new functions "/ user / add" and "/ usr / edit" which is similar to

def edit_user(){
    call the internal api /user/ with a "put" method


when i click submit button i call the above internal api / users /, method = PUT, and make the final template.

My second approach:

in my internal api / user /, I am trying to read the http header to see if I want to use html template or json text and return to user

Let's say again when I want to create an edit form, instead of calling / user / edit I call / user / using the PUT method

def put(self, id):
    //see the header of that request
    if header == html
       render_template("edit.html", .....)
    if header == json
       update the record 



my question, basically, i don't know if the route "/ user / add" "/ user / edit" is needed to make the form, or we can just insert into / user / api with different "post", or "put" ...

the idea comes from here, from flask , a pluggable view I am wondering how to make a better implementation

Or is this the best way to do it ???

Many thanks.


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1 answer

I would take your first approach because your urls are clear and logical. Also, you separate your interface (site with forms) and backend (API), which is very useful in testing. A normal web browser only makes GET and POST requests to the website, so it is very difficult to render the template with a PUT request to the user, since the user usually cannot run the post request.



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