Using a network link with a self-signed web server

I have a simple KML view in a browser using the Google Earth plugin. Plain KML is just a network link to the label served by the web server, so the data url is something like . But it doesn't work. The plugin never downloads data from the server.

I'm pretty sure the problem is because the site's SSL certificate is not real, i.e. it is self-signed. So I suspect the GE plugin is quietly ignoring the link.

Is there a way to tell the GE plugin to ignore invalid SSL certificates? I must be able to use the https protocol and since it is a development server, I also cannot get a real certificate.

I appreciate any ideas you might have.



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1 answer

there are several things that can be related to network communication.

If you require authentication to access the kml file, older versions of google earth did not pass standard cookies in network link requests, which makes security more difficult.

The newest version of google earth client 6.2 (beta) seems to pass cookies when initiating a browser session through the embedded browser for the client. However, I have not tried network links with the plugin.

Another thing is to get the ground to hit the server if you are not using a fiddler, this is a good tool to see what traffic you are generating and if the network link is updated.

Another hack could be using a standard ajax request in the browser to hit, the kml endpoint, and send the response back to the ground using the kml parse.

Another method, if you are only tracking a few points, just ask for updated a coordinates and return them and update the point coordinates via javascript.



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