What datatype is returned in this Linq to SQL?

I am trying to figure out the return type. It looks like ToList () is returning a list, but I'm not sure which type.

 var id = (from h in db.t_ref_harvest_type
                  where h.manner_of_take_id == methodOfTakeId && 
               parsedSeasons.Contains((int)h.season) && h.active == true
                  select new { h.id, h.harvest_type }).ToList();



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1 answer

A List of anonymous type is returned that has id and type as a property in it.

when you write Select new in a linq query, it creates an anonymous type with the property that you specified in select new {}.

enter image description here

Full Access: SQL to LINQ (visual representation)


@KeelRisk - you can't return a list of anonymous type from a method ... if you just want to return an id and then change the query select " List<int> lstid= (.....Select h.id).ToList<int>();

" and then return lstid .. do with you

List<int> lstid = (from h in db.t_ref_harvest_type                  
 where h.manner_of_take_id == methodOfTakeId && parsedSeasons.Contains((int)h.season)
 && h.active == true                   
select h.id ).ToList(); 




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