Is there a way to get information about friends added in the last 10 or 30 days on facebook

Is there a way to get information about friends added in the last 10 or 30 days on facebook?


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2 answers

finally I got the answer!
$onemonthbefore = strtotime(date("Y-m-d",strtotime("-1 Months")));
$ss=urlencode("SELECT created_time,description_tags,source_id,description FROM stream    WHERE source_id = xxxxxx and (strpos(lower(description),'are now friends') > 0 or strpos(lower(description),'is now friends') > 0) limit 100");
$new    =file_get_contents($sql);
$new    =json_decode($new);
foreach ($new->data as $data)
if($data->created_time > $onemonthbefore)
        foreach ($data->description_tags as $tags)

    foreach ($tags as $friend)
       if($friend->id !=$fbid)
echo "new friends=".$count;
Try this in your facebook applications.thanks.




Not; you would need to poll the friends lists and compare the delta



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