Python: how to create a regex for an inline ordered list?
I have a form field, most of which only contain an ordered list:
1. This item may be contain characters, symbols or numbers. 2. And this item also...
The following code does not work for validating user input (users can only enter string ordered list):
definiton_re = re.compile(r'^(?:\d\.\s(?:.+?))+$')
validate_definiton = RegexValidator(definiton_re, _("Enter a valid 'definition' in format: 1. meaning #1, 2. meaning #2...etc"), 'invalid')
PS: Here I am using the RegexValidator class from Django framework to validate the value of a form field.
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Nice solution from OP. To take it further, let's do some regex / golf optimizations.
Here's what's new:
Corresponds to backtracking between alternations. Here we use instead(?<!\S)
to assert that we are not before a character with no spaces. -
does not have to be inside a group that is not captured. -
(.+?)(?=(?:, \d{1,2}\.)|$)
too cumbersome. We'll change this bit to:-
Capture group -
Negative view: make sure our position is NOT : -
Comma, whitespace, then list index. -
Here's an interesting optimization: -
- We match the comma, if any. Because we knew from our prediction that this position does not trigger a new list index. Therefore, we can safely assume that the remaining bit of non-comma sequences (if any) are unrelated to the next element, so we roll them over with a quantifier
and there is no backtracking.
- We match the comma, if any. Because we knew from our prediction that this position does not trigger a new list index. Therefore, we can safely assume that the remaining bit of non-comma sequences (if any) are unrelated to the next element, so we roll them over with a quantifier
- This is a significant improvement over
- This is a significant improvement over
Keep repeating the group until a negative statement is made. -
You can use that instead of regex in another answer , and here's the regex demo !
Although at first glance, this problem is best solved by re.split()
input = '1. List item #1, 2. List item 2, 3. List item #3.';
lines = re.split('(?:^|, )\d{1,2}\. ', input);
# Gives ['', 'List item #1', 'List item 2', 'List item #3.']
if lines[0] == '':
lines = lines[1:];
# Throws away the first empty element from splitting.
print lines;
Here is a demo of the online code .
Unfortunately, you will need to follow the regex approach for validation, just compile the regex at the top:
regex = re.compile(r'(?<!\S)\d{1,2}\.\s((?:(?!,\s\d{1,2}\.),?[^,]*)+)')
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Here is my solution. It works pretty well.
input = '1. List item #1, 2. List item 2, 3. List item #3.'
regex = re.compile(r'(?:^|\s)(?:\d{1,2}\.\s)(.+?)(?=(?:, \d{1,2}\.)|$)')
# Parsing.
regex.findall(input) # Result: ['List item #1', 'List item 2', 'List item #3.']
# Validation.
validate_input = RegexValidator(regex, _("Input must be in format: 1. any thing..., 2. any thing...etc"), 'invalid')
validate_input(input) # No errors.
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