Starting a new thread using the constructor

I finished my little project that makes the hard climb. I realized that in this short computation time my GUI freezes up. So I did some research and I found this =>

I started to implement this in my project, but I realized that this particular implementation was not working in my project.

In my project I have many classes and one "manager" that controls all the other classes. If I initialize this Manager class, it already does the heavy lifting in the constructor.

To my question:

How to start a new thread using a countermeasure?

private void fileWatcher_Changed(object sender, System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs e)

            if (System.IO.File.Exists(e.FullPath) == true)

                Manager mgr = new Manager(e, handreader); // here starts the heavy lifting
                Thread mgrThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(mgr));  // what to do ?
                sl.Text = mgr.test();
                txtLog.Text = mgr.output();



EDIT: ok, I decided to recode my program. now a heavy lift in one function, but I think I made a mistake.

the whole program looks like this:

 private void fileWatcher_Changed(object sender, System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs e)

            if (System.IO.File.Exists(e.FullPath) == true)
                Manager mgr = new Manager(e, handreader, txtLog, sl);
                //sl.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(mgr.test));
                sl.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(mgr.test)); // first try 
                Thread mgrThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(mgr.test)); // second try



works sl.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(mgr.test)); // first try

, but it still hangs on my GUI.

Thread mgrThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(mgr.test)); // second try


and this line does nothing.

my test function:

 public void test()
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        foreach (PlayerController pc in fm.lPc)
          Range  range = new Range(handReader.hand, handReader.handversus, pc);
          builder.Append(pc.getHeroCardsSimple()+" vs 100% range =   "+range.vsRange()+"\r\n");
        sl.Text = builder.ToString();



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3 answers

To do this, you must take a different approach. Your constructor is still called on the GUI thread.

    Func<Manager> asyncConstructor;
    private void fileSystemWatcher1_Changed(object sender, System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs e)
        asyncConstructor = new Func<Manager>(() => new Manager());

        asyncConstructor.BeginInvoke(ManagerConstructed, null);

    private void ManagerConstructed(IAsyncResult result)
        Manager mgr = asyncConstructor.EndInvoke(result);
        //we can only access form controls from the GUI thread, 
        //if we are not on the gui thread then
        //do the changes on the gui thread.
        if (this.InvokeRequired)
            this.Invoke(new Action(() =>
                sl.Text = mgr.test();
                txtLog.Text = mgr.output();




Move the "heavy lift" from the constructor to some "worker" and run that method on a thread.

Change the dispatcher:

public Manager(/*params*/)
    //heavy lifting



public Manager(/*params*/)

public void DoWork()
    //heavy lifting


and call

Manager mgr = new Manager(e, handreader);
Thread mgrThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(mgr.DoWork));


WARNING: If you are accessing / modifying UI elements on the thread, remember to make calls!



Well, you could use:

Thread mgrThread = new Thread(() => new Manager(e, handreader));


... but then you won't have a manager reference for the rest of your code.

To be honest, doing heavy lifting in a constructor is usually a bad idea for a variety of reasons. It would be better to move this work elsewhere:

// Constructor just sets things up
Manager mgr = new Manager(e, handreader);
// DoWork method does the real work
Thread mgrThread = new Thread(mgr.DoWork);




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