How to create IPAs only without device connected?

I don't have a device, but my manager asks to upload the assembly to testflightapp. Is there a way so that I can create an IPA and load my build without a real device ?



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4 answers

Yes .. you can do it .. but you need a developer account to deploy apps for Ad-hoc distribution or App Store.

Edit: load the assembly ... just zip the provisioning profile app ... and load the ipa into testfilght.



If you click Upload Build in TestFlight, there will be a link to a help page that answers your question: -xcode-4

Otherwise, for the first part of the tutorial, if you are on a version of Xcode that does not have the Permissions option, you can safely skip this part of the tutorial.



you can do this, make your adhoc certificate and then follow the procedure given in your developer account. To upload to testflight, create a binary and place it in the Payload folder, then compress that folder and rename that compression file to appName.ipa
If you have any questions, I'll be happy to help.



Check out this one from Apple. It should explain everything you need to know about code signing, certificates, and creating an IPA file for Ad Hoc distribution.



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