How did it happen that the link on the prototype was lost?

How does one template work and the other not? In the second code, the prototype link is lost, is there a way to set the prototype link using the second template? Or am I doing it wrong?

It works

function Robot() {

Robot.prototype.fireWeapon=function(){alert('weapons fired');};

var a=new Robot();


This does not work

function Robot() {

    var weapons=5;
    var lives=10;

    return {
        weapons: weapons,
        lives : lives

Robot.prototype.fireWeapon=function(){alert('weapons fired');};

var a=new Robot();



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2 answers

This is because in the second example you don't Robot

, you have Object


By returning a new anonymous object, you are overriding the a

default expression that would be assigned , this Robot


Try this line in each one and you will see:



For the first, you will see Object

, and in the second, the function Robot




The javascript class doesn't need return


And if so, then it is equal to what it returns, and it is not a prototype class.

See the log for both of your functions:



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