Is there a workaround for the inflexible use of texture references in CUDA

I have some textures that I want to read during kernel startup. The documentation says they need to be defined globally. The problem is that I want to call the same kernel functions (which are quite complex) with different texture sources.

texture<unsigned char, 2, cudaReadModeElementType> g_tex_a;
texture<unsigned char, 2, cudaReadModeElementType> g_tex_b;

__global__ void gpu_kernel_1()
    // long complicated kernel
    foo = tex2D(g_tex_a, x,y);

__global__ void gpu_kernel_2()
    // long complicated kernel
    bar = tex2D(g_tex_a, x,y);

    gpu_kernel_1<<<grid, block>>>();
    gpu_kernel_2<<<grid, block>>>();


Is it not possible to pass the path to the kernel whose texture it should read using tex2D for example. g_tex_a or g_tex_b? It seems like the compiler needs to know the texture reference at compile time. I want to be able to reuse the gpu_kernel_1 and gpu_kernel_2 code to work with different textures.

I don't really understand how the texture reference object is used by the host and device code. At the moment I have a terrible solution to replicate all the code for each core, with the only change being that the tex2D function uses a different texture reference, for example. gpu_kernel_1_with_tex_a (), gpu_kernel_1_with_tex_b ().

Is there any other solution? Thank.


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2 answers

Before a texture reference can be used, it must be mapped to memory, for example cudaBindTextureToArray (). It is in the display that you decide what data should work on.



In addition to the Texture API, CUDA 5.0 now supports the Texture Object API. Instead of defining a texture reference globally, with this new API you can now define a texture object locally and pass it to the kernel as a function argument. Have a look at the CUDA Programming Guide (Section



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