Does Google crawl javascript?

Does Google crawl content loaded / generated with Javascript? Traditionally, I know the answer was no, but I find it difficult to find contemporary sources.


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2 answers

Google understands some parts of the code and can display javascript page thumbnails, but I will never rely on this to get my pages indexed. Your best bet is to create a count of html pages as google webmaster suggests. Don't forget to include your sitemap as well.



I cannot write one word or it will be "NO", the reason is that the crawler cannot fire events like "mouseover" on every element to change the DOM and wait for ajax responses, etc. Think of all the work a crawler would have to simulate in order to read DOM changes that may or may not occur. This would create different content for the same url, so it is assumed that it will never do this to make your content look the same from an SEO standpoint. Does it help a little more?



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