Subclass constructor

I created a superclass (Person) and a subclass (Student)

public class Person{
private String name;
private Date birthdate;
//0-arg constructor
public Person() {
    birthdate = new Date("January", 1, 1000);
    name = "unknown name";
//2-arg constructor
public Person(String newName, Date newBirthdate){ = newName;
    this.birthdate = newBirthdate;

public class Student extends Person{

    public Student(){
        super(name, birthdate)


I am getting error: link name cannor and date of birth before calling supertype cosntructor. I tried:

public Student(){


but my cursor says that I should use super(name, birthdate);


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4 answers

If your default constructor for Student

must use a two-argument constructor Person

, you will need to define your subclass like this:

public class Student extends Person{

    public Student() {
        super("unknown name", "new Date("January", 1, 1000));

    public Student(String name, Date birthdate) {
        super(name, birthdate);


Note also that

and Person.birthdate

do not appear in subclasses as they are declared private



You will need to create a Student constructor that accepts name and birthday as parameters.

The example you provided will not work unless this instance has been created.



It looks like there are a few misconceptions here:

When you create Student

, there is no separate object Person

- there is only Student

one that has all the properties Person


The constructor is what Student creates, so there is no other Student / Person inside the constructor whose fields you could reference. Once you call super

, you have initialized part of the Person

object and the fields from Person

are available, but since this is a new object, they cannot be set to anything unless you do it in the constructor.

Your options: or

1) use the defaults set in Person


public Student() {
   super(); // this line can be omitted as it done by default


2) Take values ​​as parameters and pass them to the constructor Person


public Student(String newName, Date newBirthdate) {
    super(newName, newBirthdate);


3) Specify new defaults:

public Student() {
    super("Bob", new Date("January", 1, 1990));




You need to get the name and parameters of the parent date somehow. What about:

public Student(String name, Date birthdate){
    super(name, birthdate)


you can also do:

public Student(){
    super("unknown name", new Date("January", 1, 1000));




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