How do I run the example in the playframework samples folder?

Today I installed Play Framework 2.0 (Windows 7 Professional and JDK 1.7.0)

I am having problems compiling and running the "zentasks" sample application.

Here are my steps:

  • Create a new app named zentasks

  • Eclipsify new application for IDE

  • Import source for eclipse

  • All code examples are overwriting my new application.

  • Run and compile the application using the "play run" command

The error encountered:

not enough arguments for method apply: (projects: java.util.List[models.Project], user: models.User)(body: play.api.templates.Html)play.api.templates.Html in object main. Unspecified value parameter user.

In D:\play20\zentasks\app\views\index.scala.html at line 3.

1 @(message: String)
3 @main("Welcome to Play 2.0") { 
5    @play20.welcome(message, style = "Java")
7 }


What happened?

Any other configurations or dependencies needed?



source to share

2 answers

To run the samples, you simply change the directory to the zentasks folder, then enter play run


You don't need to copy sources etc.



If you want the code to be available in Eclipse, for example for debugging purposes, you can follow these steps:

  • At the command line, change to the directory C:/Play-2.0/samples/java/zentasks

  • Executing a command play

    starts the playback console.
  • In the Play Console run the command eclipsify

    - Eclipse config files are generated
  • Import project into Eclipse with File/Import/General/Existing project...

    - you now have project codes in Eclipse
  • Execute commands play run

    or play debug run

    from the command line (in the project directory) as usual
  • To debug, run a remote debugger on port 9999 from Eclipse after the command play debug run



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