What does "@" mean in JSON?

I am using the following library


Converting XML to JSON. After conversion, console.log creates the following

{ '@':
   { RaceDayDate: '2012-03-15T00:00:00',
     Year: '2012',
     Month: '3',
     Day: '15',
     DayOfTheWeek: 'Thursday',
     MonthLong: 'March',
     IsCurrentDay: '1',
     IsPresaleMeeting: '0',
     ServerTime: '2012-03-15T19:48:47.840' },
  PresaleRaceDate: [ { '@': [Object] }, { '@': [Object] }, { '@': [Object] } ],
   [ { '@': [Object], Pool: [Object], Race: [Object] },
     { '@': [Object], Pool: [Object], Race: [Object] },
     { '@': [Object], Pool: [Object], Race: [Object] },


What does @ mean and the data is supposed to be stored in a variable named "result", what is the syntax for accessing RaceDayDate, year, month, etc.? result. @does not work


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4 answers


is just a string like any other. In JavaScript, you can access it with



Also note that the input is not valid JSON as it skips quotes in many dictionary keys and Object

uses single quotes instead of double quotes and ends with a comma.



try it result['@'].RaceDayDate




It doesn't really matter for JSON.

This particular data uses it as a key string. You have to know the meaning of the data to find out why.



I'm not sure if this applies to this example, but I am currently integrating with an API that allows xml or json to be passed; in json messages, any field that is stored as an attribute in the xml version of this message is prefixed with the "@" symbol. I guess this is because the json is converted to xml for processing and whatever tool they use to do this is using @ to distinguish between elements and attributes.



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