PHP search and return strings

I am trying to find a PHP file for a string, and when that string is found, I want to return the entire LINE the string is in. Here is my example code. I think I'll have to use an explosion, but can't figure it out.

$searchterm =  $_GET['q'];

$homepage = file_get_contents('forms.php');

 if(strpos($homepage, "$searchterm") !== false)
 echo "FOUND";



 echo "NOTFOUND";



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5 answers

Just read the entire file as an array of strings using file


function getLineWithString($fileName, $str) {
    $lines = file($fileName);
    foreach ($lines as $lineNumber => $line) {
        if (strpos($line, $str) !== false) {
            return $line;
    return -1;




If you use file

instead file_get_contents

, you can loop through the array line by line looking for text and then return that element of the array.

PHP file documentation



You want to use the fgets function to pull in a single line and then search

$searchterm =  $_GET['q'];
$file_pointer = fopen('forms.php');
while ( ($homepage = fgets($file_pointer)) !== false)
    if(strpos($homepage, $searchterm) !== false)
        echo "FOUND";
    echo "NOTFOUND";




You can use fgets()

to get the line number.

Something like:

$handle = fopen("forms.php", "r");
$found = false;
if ($handle) 
    $linecount = 0;
    while (($buffer = fgets($handle, 4096)) !== false)
        if (strpos($buffer, "$searchterm") !== false)
            echo "Found on line " . $countline + 1 . "\n";
            $found = true;
    if (!$found)
        echo "$searchterm not found\n";


If you still want to use file_get_contents()

, do the following:

$homepage = file_get_contents("forms.php");
$exploded_page = explode("\n", $homepage);
$found = false;

for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($exploded_page); ++$i)
    if (strpos($buffer, "$searchterm") !== false)
        echo "Found on line " . $countline + 1 . "\n";
        $found = true;
if (!$found)
    echo "$searchterm not found\n";




Here is the answer to the question about using regular expressions for your task.

Get line number from preg_match_all ()

Search for a file and return the specified line numbers.



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