MySQL: expanding date range to new lines

I have a table in MySQL that contains the minimum and maximum date values ​​for each key:

key |   minDate   |   maxDate
 1     2011-01-01   2011-01-10 
 2     2011-02-13   2011-02-15
 3     2011-10-19   2011-12-10


How to create a new table containing one row for each date between minDate and maxDate for each of the keys:

key |     Date   
 1     2011-01-01
 1     2011-01-02
 ...     ...
 1     2011-01-10
 2     2011-02-13
 2     2011-02-14
 2     2011-02-15
 3     2011-10-19
 ...     ...



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2 answers

Using a table of integers, you can do this:

    SELECT "key", minDate + INTERVAL i DAY
      FROM mytable
INNER JOIN integers
           ON i <= DATEDIFF(maxDate, minDate)


This assumes the "integers" table has its own column named "i" of course.

From there, you can fill in your new spreadsheet INSERT INTO ... SELECT




From memory it could be something like this:

create table #res (
key int,
Date datetime

declare @minD datetime, @maxD datetime
select @minD = min(minDate), @maxD = max(maxDate) from tablename

while @minD <= @maxD do
   insert into #res
   select key, @minD from tablename where @minD >= minDate and @minD <= maxDate

   select @minD = dateadd(@minD, interval 1 day)
end while;

select key, Date from #res

drop table #res




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