JSF Updating Composite Component

Is it possible to update the children of a composite component simply by specifying the parent composite identifier? For example. if I have:

    <composite:attribute name="value" type="..." required="true"/>

    <p:treeTable id="main-tree" ...>



and use it something like this:

<my:comp id="composite-component" />


<p:ajax update="composite-component" />


Is it possible? Right now, the only way I can see is to explicitly specify the child component id:

<p:ajax update="composite-component:main-tree" />



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1 answer

This can be done by wrapping <div>

around the composite components implementation and setting the div id=#{cc.clientId}


<html ...>

      <div id="#{cc.clientId}">


And on the usage page:

<my:comp id="composite-component" />
<h:commandButton value="Update first name">
   <f:ajax execute="composite-component" render="composite-component">



should work appropriately.



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