PHP or operator ||

Use ||


I have so many values ​​that I need to compare with the same variable, is there a better way to write more efficiently, for example, $city == -35 || -34 || -33

or even simpler, so that I don't have to repeat the name of the variable, since it has the same variable, only the value changes ...


if ($city == -35 || $city == -34 || $xcity == -33)
    $region = "noindex";



Any suggestions?


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5 answers

you can use in_array()

if (in_array($city, array(-35, -34, -33))) {
  $region = "noindex";


Or, if they are consistent (I suspect they are not, and this is just an example)

in_array($city, range(-35, -33))




Yes. Use in_array


in_array($city, array(-35,-34,-33))




You can use:

if (in_array($city, array(-35, -34, -33))




Assuming which $xcity

is a typo,

switch ($city)
case -35:
case -34:
case -33:
     $region = "noindex";




Use an associative array. in_array compares each element in the array to your var. The associative array used a hash table. It's faster.

$cities = array(-33 => 1, -34 => 1, -35 => 1);
if (isset($cities[$city])) {
    $region = "noindex";




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