What's the best way to update the JavaFX2 gui for high speed operations?

I have an application that talks to a hardware device over a serial port. This device sends a json object every 30ms. This json object is the devices that "define" their motion controller.

Basically, the messages look like this:



I get these 1x every 30ms. I have to take them apart. Then "draw" them in the JavaFX GUI.

This is how I figure it out:

Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                //We are now back in the EventThread and can update the GUI
                try {
                    JsonRootNode json = JDOM.parse(l);


                } catch (argo.saj.InvalidSyntaxException ex) {
                    //Json line invalid.


And here is the drawing code I am using:

public void drawLine() {
    xl.setX(Float.parseFloat(xAxisVal.getText()) + 400);
    y1.setY(Float.parseFloat(yAxisVal.getText()) + 400);
    LineTo tmpL = new LineTo((Float.parseFloat(xAxisVal.getText()) * 2) + 400, (Float.parseFloat(yAxisVal.getText()) * 2) + 400);



So basically I create an executable every 30ms and then parsing and drawing. Is this the best way to do it? You can see the video in action:


But this is similar to his "abrupt" and rather resource hunger. I hope someone gives me suggestions for optimizing this code? Possibly point out something I'm missing?

As a FYI, the motion controller board we are creating is called TinyG. Its hardware is open source.
More information here: http://www.synthetos.com/wiki/index.php?title=Projects:TinyG

The firmware is here: https://github.com/synthetos/TinyG



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2 answers

You seem to be doing too much computation in the event queue, which is blocking graphics rendering when your data is parsed. You have to do the calculations in a separate thread and Platform.runLater()

only call for the corresponding ui code:

    try {

        JsonRootNode json = JDOM.parse(l);
        final String xVal = json.getNode("sr").getNode("posx").getText();
        final String yVal = json.getNode("sr").getNode("posy").getText();
        final String zVal = json.getNode("sr").getNode("posz").getText();
        final String aVal = json.getNode("sr").getNode("posa").getText();

        // here you are calling UI getter, and parse it each time
        // it would be more optimal to store `x` value in separate variable
        // between updates
        final float x = Float.parseFloat(xAxisVal.getText());
        final float y = Float.parseFloat(yAxisVal.getText());

        Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                //We are now back in the EventThread and can update the GUI
                try {

                    xl.setX(x + 400);
                    y1.setY(y + 400);
                    LineTo tmpL = new LineTo(x * 2 + 400, y * 2 + 400);


    } catch (argo.saj.InvalidSyntaxException ex) {
        //Json line invalid.




If you haven't already, try the developer preview . In the JavaFX 2.1 preview thread, some changes have been made to smooth animation and rendering performance, and path logic has been optimized .

Alternative approaches would be writing to an HTML5 canvas in a WebView, or using the JavaFX canvas node if available in JavaFX 2.2.



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