Override generic method

According to the JLS (Java Language Specification):

The concept of a signature is intended to express the relationship between two methods whose signatures are not identical, but in which one can override the other. In particular, it allows a method whose signature does not use generic types to override any generic version of that method.

This code is based on the JLS example:

interface CollectionConverter<U> {
    <T> List<T> toList(Collection<T> c);

    void fooMethod(Class<?> c);

    <E>Comparable<E> method3(E e);

    Comparable<U> method4(U u);

class Overrider implements CollectionConverter<Integer> {
    public List toList(Collection c) {
        return null;

    public void fooMethod(Class c) {


    public  Comparable method3(Object o) {
        return null;

    // compile error, have to change Object to Integer 
    public Comparable method4(Object u) {                       

        return null;


According to the JLS, I understand why the first three methods work well, but I cannot understand why it method4

has a compilation error like this:

Method4 (Object) of type Overrider must override or implement supertype method.


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4 answers

Signature method4

in CollectionConverter


Comparable<U> method4(U u);


You declare Overrider

to implement CollectionConverter<Integer>

, thereby binding the type parameter U

to Integer

. Then the signature will be as follows:

Comparable<Integer> method4(Integer u);


You can declare method4(Object u)

in Overrider

, but this method signature does not override method4(Integer u)

that specified in the interface any more than if you weren't using generics at all.



The problem is that the type variable is U

bound to Integer

at this point. If you change your ad to

public Comparable method4(Integer u) ...


this is an override



Because in interface method4 is declared with the same type parameter as interface (U). If you change it to something else, it should work.

for example

<A> Comparable<A> method4(A a);




In the specific case that you need to override a method with a generic parameter that does not have a generic return type, you need to ensure that the parameter's type is actually a child of that generic type.

For example:

protected Response updateResource(long id, T payload, RequestContext context){}



protected Response updateResource(long id, Payload payload, RequestContext context){}


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