MongoDB removes fs.chunks where not in fs.files

I have 10 GB of data in fs.chunks and I want to delete every document that is not on fs.files. I've already deleted every entry in fs.files. I don't want every id in fs.files to be a file that I want to keep.

So, I need something like db.fs.chunks.remove({"_id": {$nin: fs.files._id}})

or "delete every entry in fs.chunks that doesn't exist in fs.files".

Edit: I'm looking for the mongo SQL equivalent delete from fs_chunks where id not in (select id from fs_files)



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3 answers

I don't think there is an easy way to do this other than doing a search and then iterating with forEach. So something like:

function removeChunkIfNoOwner(chunk){
  //Look for the parent file
  var parentCount = db.fs.files.find({'_id' : chunk.files_id}).count();

  if (parentCount === 0 ){
     db.fs.chunks.remove({'_id': chunk._id});
     print("Removing chunk " + chunk._id);



You can see that this approach should work if you create a function like this:

function listParentFile(chunk){
   var parent = db.fs.files.findOne({'_id' : chunk.files_id});




I found this Mick based solution to be slightly faster for a lot of snippets:

function removeChunkIfNoOwner(files_id){
  //Look for the parent file
  var parentCount = db.fs.files.find({'_id' : files_id}).count();

  if (parentCount === 0 ){
      res = db.fs.chunks.remove({'files_id':files_id})

files = db.fs.chunks.distinct('files_id').forEach(removeChunkIfNoOwner)




Using different ones wouldn't work for me because my collection was too big. A little change to Bass's request worked for me.

function removeChunkIfNoOwner(chunk){
  var parentCount = db.fs.files.find({'_id' : chunk.files_id}).count();

  if(parentCount === 0){
    res = db.fs.chunks.remove({'files_id':chunk._id})
    print("item removed")
files = db.fs.chunks.find({files_id:{$exists:1}},{data:0}).forEach(removeChunkIfNoOwner)




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