List of initializers for a heap-allocated structure

I have a Visual Studio 2008 C ++ project where I would like a bunch of highlighting a struct and initializing it with an initializer list.

class Foo {
    explicit Foo( int a );

struct Bar {
    Foo foo;
    int b;

Bar a = Bar { Foo( 1 ), 2 };      // Works!
Bar* b = new Bar{ Foo( 1 ), 2 };  // Errors!


Is there a way to do this?


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3 answers

C ++ 11 allows this, or something very similar. Since you are using VC 2008 however this will not help you. The only thing I know is to create a local instance with initialization and then pass this:

Bar forInitialization = { Foo( 1 ), 2 };
Bar* b = new Bar( forInitialization );





Bar* b = new Bar({ Foo( 1 ), 2 });


Disclamer: Checked with GCC only -std=c++0x




Try adding a constructor to your structure, it will be called when called new



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