Dynamically add a referenced style sheet to inline styles
I have created a page where the client can create their own page, calendars, widgets, articles, etc. I created a second page of a dynamic builder where they can create their own newsletters.
All my css are referencing classes because mailers are very limited. I have to add all inline styles .
Is there a script I can run to grab all the referenced styles through the class and add it to the appropriate in-style / tags?
Example [simple]
<p class='txtBlack'>Hello World</p>
Converts to
<p class='txtBlack' style='color:#000;'>Hello World</p>
Hope this is clear enough to understand.
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I would use element.currentStyle
and window.getComputedStyle()
for each item, then "manually" read what I want and overwrite what I'm sure doesn't work in mail applications.
I've provided an example here: http://jsfiddle.net/Vmc7L/
Another way is to read the rule style sheets and then apply them to the inline style. But what if you have type selectors .myClass:firstChild>.anotherClass
?: D Maybe jquery can help.
The methods you need are: http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/w3c_css.html
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This is so the answer explains how: Can I access the value of invalid / custom CSS properties from JavaScript?
CSSStyleDeclaration ( https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/CSSStyleDeclaration )
div {
width: 100px;
style: CSSStyleDeclaration object contains cssText:
cssText: "width: 100px"
CSSStyleDeclaration specification: http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Style/css.html#CSS-CSSStyleDeclaration
To get all elements with class names use:
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