Creating count _down_ axes in R

I'm drawing a pretty weird wireframe. The y-axis should run from -50 to 0, but should be labeled with positive numbers. So the origin should be (0.50,0), with y decreasing along the y-axis.

My first thought was to take the original command:

wireframe(z~x*(10*log10(y)), grid, colorkey=TRUE, drape=TRUE, scales=list(arrows=FALSE))


and just negate y in the formula:

wireframe(z~x*(-10*log10(y)), grid, colorkey=TRUE, drape=TRUE, scales=list(arrows=FALSE))


But the wireframe is too smart and flips the axes (and plotted data!) Around so that the x-axis now goes up from 0 to 50.

How can I manually specify the tic labels on the y-axis?

EDIT: Here's the R code to create this issue:

tf_model <- function(n,l){
 tf =  n*l

n <- c(0:100)/100 * 0.1
l <- -c(0:100)/2
l <- 10^(l/10)

grid <- expand.grid(x=n, y=l)

grid$z <- tf_model(grid$x, grid$y)


wireframe(z~x*(10*log10(y)), grid, colorkey=TRUE, drape=TRUE, scales=list(arrows=FALSE))

 wireframe(z~x*(-10*log10(y)), grid, colorkey=TRUE, drape=TRUE, scales=list(arrows=FALSE))



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1 answer

It looks like you really want to change the labels attached to the y-axis labels. You can do this by setting the component labels

of the y

list component passed to the argument scales


wireframe(z~x*(10*log10(y)), grid, colorkey=TRUE, drape=TRUE, 
          scales = list(arrows = FALSE, y = list(labels = seq(0, 50, by = 10))))

## Or perhaps this -- I can't quite make out which you want.
wireframe(z~x*(10*log10(y)), grid, colorkey=TRUE, drape=TRUE, 
          scales = list(arrows = FALSE, y = list(labels = seq(50, 0, by = -10))))


In general, you can achieve pretty complete control over, say, the y-axis of a lattice plot by setting a combination of the ylim

and components at

and the labels

list passed toscales

  • ylim : Determines the degree and orientation of the y-axis. For example, set ylim=c(0, 1000)

    to widen the y-axis, or ylim=c(0,-50)

    to change orientation.

  • at : controls the position of the labels on the axis. For example, scales = list(y=list(at=c(0,-50)))

    will only place labels at the end point of the default axes.

  • labels : set the labels to be placed on labels (which are either the default or an argument at

    ). For example,scales = list(y=list(at=c(0,-50), labels=c("Zero", "Below Zero")))



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