ServiceStack MVC 3+ Examples

I am looking at ServiceStack and it looks amazing. Though I don't quite understand how all the components work together. Is there a better example of best practices out there? For a while I've been Googling: S


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2 answers

As @scottm mentions the online documentation and Sample Projects contains the source code for all online demos and the Starter Templates are a good starting point, especially the documentation page Create Your First Web Service , which helps you create a new ServiceStack project from scratch using only service files ServiceStack NuGet .

For Big Picture solution, you can also check out Social Bootstrap Api demo project which contains complete ServiceStack + MVC + Backbone.js application for single page using Twitters Bootstrap website template. It optionally uses many of the ServiceStack and AuthProviders components, which should give you a good idea of ​​how all the details fit together.



The documents are quite extensive ...

I suggest downloading the sample projects , reading the documentation and following this tutorial to get the full idea. If you still don't understand at this point, maybe a different, simpler structure would be better for you.



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