Lua (5.0) equivalent to python struct.pack

I am trying to convert Python code to Lua. Which is the Lua equivalent:

value2 = ''
key = 'cmpg'
value1 = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01'
Value2 += '%s%s%s' % (key, struct.pack('>i', len(value1)), value1)



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4 answers

You said in a comment:

I may be able to get around knowing the string generated by each of the following: struct.pack ('> i', 4), struct.pack ('> i', 8) and struct.pack ('> I', 10)

Effector '> i' means bidian 32-bit integer. For non-negative input x, the simple Python equivalent would be

chr((x >> 24) & 255) + chr((x >> 16) & 255) + chr((x >> 8) & 255) + chr(x & 255)

You may be able to express this in Lua without too much difficulty.

You said in another comment:

I ... don't understand the answer (@john machin)

chr (x) is easy to find in the docs. Lua should have such a function, perhaps even with the same name.

i >> n

shifts i to the right n bits. If I'm unsigned, this is equivalent i // ( 2 ** n)

to where //

is integer division in Python.

i & 255

is bitwise and equivalent i % 256


Lua must have both of these.


in this case is string concatenation.

Look at this:

>>> import binascii
>>> def pack_be_I(x):
...     return (
...         chr((x >> 24) & 255) +
...         chr((x >> 16) & 255) +
...         chr((x >>  8) & 255) +
...         chr(x         & 255)
...         )
>>> for anint in (4, 8, 10, 0x01020304, 0x04030201):
...     packed = pack_be_I(anint)
...     hexbytes = binascii.hexlify(packed)
...     print anint, repr(packed), hexbytes
4 '\x00\x00\x00\x04' 00000004
8 '\x00\x00\x00\x08' 00000008
10 '\x00\x00\x00\n' 0000000a
16909060 '\x01\x02\x03\x04' 01020304
67305985 '\x04\x03\x02\x01' 04030201


You will notice that the required output for 10

is '\x00\x00\x00\n'

... note that '\x0a'

aka '\n'

aka chr(10)

needs help. If you are writing this stuff to a file on Windows, you must open the file in binary ( 'wb'

, not 'w'

) mode , otherwise the runtime library inserts a carriage return byte to comply with Windows, MS-DOS, CP / M requirements for text files.



How about using it struct.pack

for Lua (it's code based string.pack

)? It offers the same functionality you'd expect. Therefore, you can run the following code:

local key = 'cmpg'
local value1 = '\0\0\0\0\0\1'
local packed = key .. struct.pack('>i', #value1) .. value1


Or, looking at the examples in the docs, you can also do it like this:

local packed = key .. struct.pack('>ic0', #value1, value1)


To unpack this line, use the following (if you have only <length,string>

to data


local unpacked = struct.unpack('>ic0', data)




Take a look at string.pack ; you can find the precompiled binaries for Windows included with Lua for Windows .

value2 = ''
key = 'cmpg'
value1 = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01'
value2 = string.format("%s%s%s", key, string.pack(">i", #value1, value))


If you are using LuaJIT (which I highly recommend) you can use FFI and cast the original value into a byte array and use memcpy.



The Read Write Format wiki page contains functions that provide a way to batch / unpack integer values ​​into a binary string.


-- Write an integer in MSB order using width bytes.
function numbertobytes(num, width)
  local function _n2b(t, width, num, rem)
    if width == 0 then return table.concat(t) end
    table.insert(t, 1, string.char(rem * 256))
    return _n2b(t, width-1, math.modf(num/256))
  return _n2b({}, width, math.modf(num/256))

io.write("<", numbertobytes(0x61626364, 4), ">\n")







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