Circular Dependency MEF
Suppose we have two components that depend on each other (indirectly, via interfaces):
public interface IAlice { ... }
public interface IBob { ... }
[Export(typeof(IAlice)), PartCreationPolicy(CreationPolicy.NonShared)]
class Alice : IAlice
private IBob Bob { get; set; }
// could be defined in some assembly developed by another team
[Export(typeof(IBob)), PartCreationPolicy(CreationPolicy.NonShared)]
class Bob : IBob
private IAlice Alice { get; set; }
This causes the composition to fail: the composition failed because it did not complete within 100 reps. This is most likely caused by a loop in the dependency graph of the part that is marked with a non-shared policy.
I know I can import via a Lazy declaration, but this way the import will be created on demand, while I need my Alice links Bob and Bob to reference the same Alice instance. I expected the CompositionContainer to allow such loops within a single composition operation, but apparently this is not the case.
I cannot declare the parts as shared, since I do not need a single Alice and Bob per container. I just need such dependency plots to be created as a whole when done in a single composition operation. Is there a workaround?
UPD. Added some clarification.
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