Circuit Editing in Emacs - Keyboard Modes and Layout

I recently started using Emacs as my Scheme (Lisp) editor. I am thinking which extensions should be used for the best performance. I am currently using Paredit and it helps a lot. I know there are many Schema extensions for Emacs: Geiser , Quack , to name two, which seem to be very popular, and EmacsWiki lists many more . Which ones did you guys use and which ones do you find best? At the moment, my biggest problem is the lack of colors in parentheses, which makes it difficult to pair them visually - indentation is not enough if you have a line of code ending with))))))))

I am also thinking, how can I improve the Emacs keyboard layout to do better at editing Schema? I found some good advice on CLiki . I switched [] to () on the keyboard and it's helpful. I am also considering replacing the Alt and Ctrl keys .

Do you have any other tips and suggestions that make it easier to edit circuitry in Emacs?


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4 answers

I've found rainbow delimiters really helpful for highlighting the different parenthesis levers.

Other modes that help me write lisp, hideshow view for folding sexps, slime which is mostly Common lisp, but I also use it in a retreat in schema too, solarized low contrast color theme that my eyes don't get tired of anymore and mutate vim mode heavily , allowing me to keep controllable keys through edit modes.



I am using show-paren-mode, minor mode, with these in my .emacs:

(show-paren-mode t)
(setq show-paren-delay 0)
(setq show-paren-style 'expression) ; alternatives are 'parenthesis' and 'mixed'


Applicable persons to change: show-paren-match

and show-paren-mismatch


It only accentuates the sexp when the point is immediately before or after it, but I love that it doesn't in your face.



I'm using autopair to get the correct parenthesis, show-paren -mode to see the end and start of s-expressions, and expand-region to mark the s-expression (it works a lot more than that).



I think that as you continue to play with paredit, you may need less and less coloring in parentheses. For example, enter ")" inside any sexp, and the opening and closing parens will be highlighted briefly; then the point will move to the end of the sexp. The ability to easily navigate a nested sexp structure - like CMu and CMd to move up and down on the same level - also removes some of the need to visually connect the brackets.



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