ZXing on Android - High Decoding Performance

As the name suggests, I am trying to decode QR codes on an Android device using the ZXing Barcode Scanner app. I read several threads on the internet about how it is not recommended to integrate an application into one own project. Should be used instead IntentIntegrator


However, this is not an option in my case. Below is the code snippet I am calling for each camera frame.

LuminanceSource source = new RGBLuminanceSource(bitmap);
BinaryBitmap bm = new BinaryBitmap(new HybridBinarizer(source));

try {
    Result result = reader.decode(bm); // This line takes approx. 6seconds
    if (!result.getText().isEmpty()) {
        Log.e("MYTAG", "Found something: "+result.getText());
catch (NotFoundException e) {
} catch (ChecksumException e) {
} catch (FormatException e) {


As I said, this process is extremely slow. Decoding takes 5 to 8 seconds.

I have tried using both MultiFormatReader

and QRCodeReader


Can anyone shed some light on this topic?


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4 answers

It turns out that performance is highly dependent on the Android debugger attached to the app. The approximate time to scan a full camera image on HTC Desire HD takes about 150 ms - 200 ms. Stupid mistake on my part.



I only use ZXing with intent and it's very fast, so to throw the idea here: maybe the input image is too big - maybe reduce the size before throwing it into the decoder.



This is why you want to crawl the intent - no coding or debugging, and you crawl optimally.

Here, I assume you are feeding it a full 5MP image or whatever. Do not do that.



The decoding performance will also depend on the speed of your phone. For a given phone / tablet, performance will not increase beyond a certain point because this library is running on ARM / ACPU.

You may need to work on optimizing your application. In addition, you can:

  • Use the washing method so that the flows are different.

  • Try to feed the image at a low resolution, so image processing does not take up much space.

  • Maintain an even tilt or try to keep a parallel plane between the phone and the barcode sticker / printed page.



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