How can I prevent PHP from executing code multiple times?

I have a WordPress plugin with a backup script that runs on a schedule. The trick is if someone hits the page multiple times, it can backup the script multiple times. Any thoughts on how to prevent multiple executions?

global $bwpsoptions;

        if ( get_transient( 'bit51_bwps_backup' ) === false ) {

            set_transient( 'bit51_bwps_backup', '1', 300 );

            if ( $bwpsoptions['backup_enabled'] == 1 ) {

                $nextbackup = $bwpsoptions['backup_next']; //get next schedule
                $lastbackup = $bwpsoptions['backup_last']; //get last backup

                switch ( $bwpsoptions['backup_interval'] ) { //schedule backup at appropriate time
                    case '0':
                        $next = 60 * 60 * $bwpsoptions['backup_time'];
                    case '1':
                        $next = 60 * 60 * 24 * $bwpsoptions['backup_time'];
                    case '2':
                        $next = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7  * $bwpsoptions['backup_time'];

                if ( ( $lastbackup == '' || $nextbackup < time() ) && get_transient( 'bit51_bwps_backup' ) === false ) {

                    $bwpsoptions['backup_last'] = time();

                    if ( $lastbackup == '' ) {

                        $bwpsoptions['backup_next'] = ( time() + $next );

                    } else {

                        $bwpsoptions['backup_next'] = ( $lastbackup + $next );


                    update_option( $this->primarysettings, $bwpsoptions );

                    $this->execute_backup(); //execute backup






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4 answers

If your site is very busy and the main blocking mechanism isn't working (I personally can't imagine it, but good!), You can try the solution from the PHP session garbage collector.

Just randomly pick a number between 0 and 10, and if the number is 0, make a backup. If now 10 users call your backup script at about the same time, statistically only one will actually be backing up.

if (mt_rand(0, BACKUP_PROBABILITY) == 0)


You can increase the maximum (10) if your site is visited very often.

If in these 10 visits none got 0, the next 10 visitors will get their chance.

You will need some kind of locking mechanism, of course, and it is still possible (albeit implausible) that you will have more than one or even 10 backups.

I found this question about mutexes (locks) in PHP. May be useful: PHP mutual exclusion (mutex)



  • Create a file at the beginning of your code.
  • When the code finishes, delete the file.
  • At the beginning of the code, make sure the file does not exist before running.

It looks like apt-get blocking on Linux.



Save the latest backup date / time in some external file on the server or in the database and use a check for this value!



I'm guessing that this backup is backing up somewhere.

So, check the metadata in the last backup, and if the creation time in the past is not enough, do not make a backup.

I guess this is a good reason why this is not a cron job?



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