Form creation (Ruby on Rails)

I created a form in Rails 3.2 using the format below, but when I open a post I cannot see a form that allows me to post comments. What could be wrong?

<%= form_tag(:controller => "posts", :action => "create") do %>  
  <%= label_tag(:message, "What are you doing?") %><br />  
  <%= text_area_tag(:message, nil, :size => "44x6") %><br />  
  <%= submit_tag("Update") %>  
<% end %>



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2 answers

In Rails 3, the form_ * helpers return markup rather than directly outputting it. Change:

<% form_tag(:controller => "posts", :action => "create") do %>



<%= form_tag(:controller => "posts", :action => "create") do %>




Check your routes file and make sure it is correct. And do the a = sign on your first line. Think it might work. But when you have a form for a resource, it is recommended to use form_for:

<% form_for @posts.each do |p| %>
<%= p.label :message %><br />
<%= p.text_area :message, nil, :size => "44x6" %><br />
<%= submit_tag("Update") %>
<% end %>


Also avoid <br / ">. Styling your form with css (divs, classes, etc.). Of course you will need to make @posts var in your controller for this:

@posts = Post.all


Hope it helps



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