How to strongly name a collection so that it has a public key token

I am trying to create a project template wizard. For this I need a strongly named assembly with a public key token.

I went here: and followed the steps below.

I end up with a .pfx file in my assembly. But when I clean and build the dll, there is no public key token on it.

(I checked through run 'sn -t EventWizard.dll' and I got this as output:

Failed to convert key to token. The public key for assembly "(null)" was invalid.

So I don't think I am getting the public key token. How can I get it?

Update: Here is my tab:

Signing Screenshot


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4 answers

So it was heavily named after all. But the sn.exe tool had to be used in a different way to see the value I was looking for (PublicKeyToken).

If I run this:

sn -e EventWizard.dll temp.txt
sn -t temp.txt


Then it worked just fine.



I also ran into this.

The solution is very simple - the arguments are case sensitive.

sn -T <yourassembly.dll>




I also had problems with this.

The solution is very simple - the arguments are case sensitive.

//Does not work
sn -t yourassembly.dll

sn -T yourassembly.dll




Found a solution in InternalsVisibleTo with Strong-Type assemblers

Go to: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft SDK \ Windows \ v8.1A \ bin \ NETFX 4.5.1 Tools (or where sn.exe is always there)

sn -p MyKey.snk MyKey.PublicKeyOnly.snk


This copies the public key to a new file

sn -tp MyKey.PublicKeyOnly.snk


it will display something like this: public key 0024000004800000940000000602000000240000525341310004000001000100cfb8bc23b86a08 e70d021dd53d3b0293e716e71015870bdcc58a0231a4228618851a83e06077f5a44f42beb2baf3 56ad2d344521a96b0081ed0f25f9227523e3625eda524efe1cf2e1e5e41f3693a76ec52347684b 8129a4bb2d5fc49681adf33da0eecc4f81f011af4539d12abe1b4e760b5ce32d766db1012d4402 8381f0b4

Public key token - 2ff2b71993eeff95

Copy the public key value and update the InternalsVisibleTo:

[Assembly: InternalsVisibleTo ( "MyProject.Domain.Tests, PublicKey = 0024000004800000940000000602000000240000525341310004000001000100cfb8bc23b86a08 e70d021dd53d3b0293e716e71015870bdcc58a0231a4228618851a83e06077f5a44f42beb2baf3 56ad2d344521a96b0081ed0f25f9227523e3625eda524efe1cf2e1e5e41f3693a76ec52347684b 8129a4bb2d5fc49681adf33da0eecc4f81f011af4539d12abe1b4e760b5ce32d766db1012d4402 8381f0b4")]



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