Android: How can we move the playing video from one activity to another activity or dialogue without re-buffering?

Can we move the playing video from the activity to the popup dialog without breaking the game?

I tried this but I was unable to get it to work with SurfaceView as it creates a hole in the popup and displays the content in the Activity behind.

Alternatively, try removing the video (or playing in SurfaceView / VideoView) from the activity and adding it to the dialog. But this re-buffers the video and I want to play continuously without re-buffering.

Any suggestions would be appreciated


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2 answers

you can see this link for this if any problem then asks me to be friendly

I haven't tried to tell for sure myself, but I guess if you put VideoView as an argument in , android.view. ViewGroup.LayoutParams), this should be what you want. Just make the alert raised on the button listener. It's which you want to send in an instance.



Install below theme into the simplest android file for android which has video review or surface preview.

 <activity android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Dialog"> 


try this, it might help you.



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