MVC3 Razor - how to pass data from controller to view - and back to controller

I have a view where everything will be populated by the user but refers to the parent. I am passing this ID to my View using the ViewBag, but I have no idea how to get it back to a message in the controller. I've tried hidden form fields, but it doesn't show up in the message, or I don't know how to grab it ... Controller:

public ActionResult AddCar(int id)
ViewBag.Id = id;
return View();


View (try):

    @using (Html.BeginForm("AddReturn", "DealerAdmin", new { id = carId }))
View (tried):


HOw am I retrieving the value in my post in my controller? Or is there a better / different way to approach it? THANKS TO


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4 answers

The hidden field should work. The problem is your controller didn't accept it.

You can use ViewModel to achieve this. Or, use the below code in your action:

id = Request.Form["id"]




Create a ViewModel for the post, it will be like this

public class Post
   int id {get;set;}
   //other properties


and in your controller action send the post object

public ActionResult AddCar(int id)
 Post post = new Post();
 post.Id = id;
return View(post);


your view should use the Post class as a model

@model namespace.Post
@using (Html.BeginForm("AddReturn", "DealerAdmin", FormMethod.Post)
      @Html.HiddenFor(model => model.Id)


and your controller action that expects a result must have a post object as an input parameter

public ActionResult AddReturn(Post post)
 //your code




Try it like this:

@using (Html.BeginForm("AddReturn", "DealerAdmin", new { id = ViewBag.Id }))




there is some way the value using query string if there is only one value to send to controller
2.if you want to collect many fields from view you can use formcollection
sample ::

public actionresult method1()
 int id = //everything you want;
 //and other field to collect


in sight

<form method="post" action="method1" enctype="now i dont remeber the value of this option" >


<input type="submit" value"Send"/>

public actionresult method1(fromcollection collection)
 int id = collection.get("id");
 //and other field to collect




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