Using a bitmap font to display and edit texts

One of the problems I am currently facing is displaying complex texts (English + Persian / Arabic). English and Persian / Arabic letters are not displayed in the correct order. To solve this problem, I created a Bitmap Font library that draws these complex texts correctly. Now I want to convert all texts in all widgets in my program to their bitmap equivalent. For example, if I have a TextView in my program, I want to get its text, convert it to a bitmap with my bitmap font library, and finally replace it with the TextView. The problem is finding a generic solution that can be applied to any widget that can display text like ListView, EditText, Menus, ...

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3 answers

You can try looking at the source of the TextView and changing it to suit your needs (i.e. whenever the user enters a character using the IME, captures the event and inserts the correct bitmap character into your custom view ...)



You've seen Arabic Reshaper from everything I've understood, it can be used to display texts containing both RTL (Arabic) and LTR correctly.



You can use the font library in C ++ and display the correct font albeit a bit long



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