Too many levels of symbolic links in osx Lion

I am trying to install the libraries, but when the make file tries to try to the folder Developer

, the message appears

Too many levels of symbolic links.


So I am trying:

Go home folder (cd /)


then i try:

bash-3.2# cd Developer


and this is the result:

bash: cd: Developer: Too many levels of symbolic links


What could be the problem? Could you help me?

ls -l


tells me

lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 10 14 Mar 09:13 Developer -> /Developer 



source to share

2 answers

If you go to:

cd /


and ls -la


lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 10 14 Mar 09:13 Developer -> /Developer 


This is problem. /Developer

must be a folder , not a symbolic link pointing to itself.

Find out where the original directory is /Developer

and removes the symbolic link, so you can create it by pointing to it. If you can't find it, consider reinstalling Xcode.



Use absolute paths when creating symbolic links:

Doesn't work (always):

ln -s file ../new/path


Works (more often):

ln -s /full/path/to/old/place/ /full/path/to/new/place/




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