Insert space after separator using CSV record

f = open("file1.csv", "r")
g = open("file2.csv", "w")

a = csv.reader(f, delimiter=";", skipinitialspace=True)
b = csv.writer(g, delimiter=";")

for line in a:


In the above code, I am trying to load file1.csv using a module csv

in Python2.7 and then write it in file2.csv using csv.writer


My problem comes from existing spaces (one space) after the delimiter in the input file. I need to remove them in order to process the data later, so I used the argument skipinitialspace=True

for the reader. However, I cannot get the author to print a char space after the delimiter and thus break any subsequent diff

occurrence of the two files.

I tried to use the Sniffer

auto-generation class Dialect

, but I think my input files (coming from a large, complex legacy system, with dozens of fields and poor quoting and escaping) turned out to be too complex for that.

In simpler terms, I am looking for answers to the following questions:

  • How do I insert a space character after each separator in writer

  • However, what are the reasons to prohibit the use of multi-character strings as delimiters? delimiter="; "

    would solve my problem.

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4 answers

You can wrap your objects file

in proxies that add spaces:

>>> class DelimitedFile(file):
...     def write(self, value):
...             super(DelimitedFile, self).write(value.replace(";", "; "))
>>> f = DelimitedFile("foo", "w")
>>> f.write("hello;world")
>>> f.close()
>>> open("foo").read()
'hello; world'




If you left a space that you want to write (remove / restore it during processing), or return it after processing but before writing, this will take care of that.



One solution would be to write an object StringIO

and then replace the semicolons with, '; '

or do this while processing the strings if you are doing any other processing.



As for the first one, I would probably do something like this:

for k, line in enumerate(a):
    if k == 0:
        b.writerow(' ' + line) #assuming line is always a string, if not just use str() on it


As for the second, I have no idea.



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