Documentation error tag

I have a method in a class where I am throwing an error.

 * Get info
 * @return string|FALSE Info
public function getInfo()
    if ($this->info) {
        return $this->info;

    trigger_error('Missing info', E_USER_WARNING);
    return FALSE;


I don't want to throw an exception here, as I really need / need this code to continue working. Elsewhere I am logging this error and the registration error is outside the scope of this class.

But how should I document this? For the exception, I would use:

 * @throws Exception


Is there something similar for errors? I really want other developers to easily know what's going on in my code.


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2 answers

I agree with others that I would change my approach to coding here, but to address your direct question - I would perhaps use the @internal tag to explain what you want developers to know about. Of course, when you run phpDocumentor against this code, @internal tags won't show up in your generated documents unless you use the -parse-private runtime option ... this is because internal-info-for-devs is supposed to be disabled limits for API-oriented consumers / readers, as well as "@access private" elements.



There is no phpdoc tag for errors.


returns bool, so your method doesn't return or throw anything. Execution will resume unless your error handler prevents this from happening, so using @return or @throws will misuse them and will probably confuse anyone reading your code.

I would use a different approach.

This is how I would do it:

 * Has info
 * @return bool Whether info is available
public function hasInfo()
    return (bool) $this->info; // or use isset() or whatever you need

 * Get info
 * @throws Exception
 * @return string The info string
public function getInfo()
    if (! $this->hasInfo()) {
        throw new Exception('Missing info');

    return $this->info;


And then from your other code, you can do:

if ($object->hasInfo()) {
    $info = $object->getInfo();
} else {
    // no info!


I will also catch Exceptions at the root of my codebase:

try {
catch(Exception $e) {
    // handle error, eg. display fatal error message




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