Calculating peak acceleration versus speed

I am trying to convert an array of velocity values ​​to acceleration values. I understand that acceleration is an integral of speed, but I don't know how to achieve this. I am using MATLAB, so if someone can suggest a solution in this language, I would be very grateful! See the graph below:

enter image description here

The yellow line shows the speed, and the vertical dashed lines show the peaks and troughs of this signal (the peaks and troughs found with peakdet ). The green horizontal material in the middle is not related to this question.

What I am trying to isolate is the steepest part of the large descending slopes on the curve above. Can anyone suggest any advice on how to calculate this?

PS I know that quad () is a function used for integration in MATLAB, but I don't know how to implement it in this situation.


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1 answer

Acceleration is a derivative of speed.

If your velocity values ​​are stored in v

, you can get a fast numeric derivative of v


a = diff(v)


Remember that if it v

is a real signal and not a synthetic one a

, it will probably be quite noisy, so some anti-aliasing may be ok, depending on how you intend to use it.



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