Xml InnerXml indentation problem

I have XmlDocument




When I install InnerXml

from <PresentationSettings>

with this text ...

    <WidgetElement Name="1">
    <WidgetElement Name="2">


..., the output file is saved like this:

    <WidgetElement Name="1">
    <WidgetElement Name="2">


It seems that the root InnerXml

(i.e. <Desktop>

) starts at the right-indented column, but the rest InnerXml

retains its original indentation. I've tried many methods, but they all give the exact result. The methods I tried were as follows:

  • XmlTextWriter

    with Formatting = Formatting.Indented

  • XmlWriter

    with XmlWriterSettings { Indent = true }

  • Convert to XDocument

    using both of the above methods.
  • Use XmlDocumentFragment


Can anyone point me in the direction of the recording? What am I doing wrong?


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1 answer

You have to use XDocument or XElement, XmlDocument is .Net 2.0, also deprecated.

Instead, write:

XElement root = XElement.Parse("<Root><Settings><PresentationSettings></PresentationSettings></Settings></Root>");
XElement pSettings = root.Element("Settings").Element("PresentationSettings");
string formattedXml = root.ToString();




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