Duplicate iphone xcode symbol error

I am getting duplicate error in my xcode when building and running

I have two files file1.m and file2.m are using the same variable and function names


#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface file1 : UIViewController {

IBOutlet UILabel *result;   






@implementation file1
int count = 0;
int arr[2][2];



#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface file2 : UIViewController {

IBOutlet UILabel *result;   






@implementation file2
int count = 0;
int arr[2][2];


On build and run, it gives me a duplicate "count" character in file1.o and file2. o if i change my names to count1 and count2 i don't get any errors.

In file1.m and file2.m, I am trying to make global variables.

Is there a way that I can use the same variable and function names in both files


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1 answer

Make them static


static int count = 0;
static int arr[2][2];


Please note that they will refer to different variables. If you want them to refer to the same variables, leave it as you have in one file and declare them extern

in another file:

extern int count;
extern int arr[2][2];


It's common to put those ads extern

in a general headline.



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