If the state logic doesn't work

I have added one label on the form that is not visible to the user. Next, add text containing these labels.

Here is my logic, but it fails. I wanted so badly, if the label contains "No match" or "Timeout" should not continue.

If((!label.Text.Contain("No match")) || label.Text.Contain("Time out"))
// proceed further code
// code 


Here the label contains "No match", then it is moved to another part that is right. But when the label contains "Timeout" then it gets inside the if loop. So I modified the code like this

If((!label.Text.Contain("No match")) || (!label.Text.Contain("Time out")))
// proceed further code
// code 


still not working. If the label contains "Timeout" it still goes into the loop else else.Label contains only one text at a time, either "No match" or "Timeout" or any other text.


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3 answers

I suspect you want:

if(!(label.Text.Contains("No match") || label.Text.Contains("Time out")))
    // proceed further code
   // code 


Pay attention to bracketing. Inner part

label.Text.Contains("No match") || label.Text.Contains("Time out")


and then inverted. I would probably pull this into a separate variable:

bool timedOutOrNoMatch = label.Text.Contains("No match") || 
                         label.Text.Contains("Time out");
if (!timedOutOrNoMatch)


Alternatively, invert its meaning:

if (label.Text.Contains("No match") || label.Text.Contains("Time out"))
    // Do whatever was in your else block.
    // Do whatever was in your first block.


If your answer to "bad" labels is something that allows you to go back or throw an exception, this can also reduce the amount of nesting:

if (label.Text.Contains("No match") || label.Text.Contains("Time out"))
    output.Text = "Go away";
// Now handle the success case




Try with the following code:

    if(!(label.Text.Contains("No match") || label.Text.Contains("Time out")))
    // proceed further code
    // code 


If you want to get right to your modified code, use the AND operator:

       if(!label.Text.Contains("No match") && !label.Text.Contains("Time out"))
        // proceed further code
        // code 




To write your code in a more readable manner, you must write it in a way that is readable and understandable. I prefer to write this statement like this

bool ProceedFurther()
  //Don't proceed if No Match
  if(!label.Text.Contains("No match")) return false;

  //Don't proceed if Time out
  if(!label.Text.Contains("Time out")) return false;

  //Proceed otherwise
  return true;


and call the Continue method where you want.

If you really only want this operator, then the best is (basically people forget to change || to && after they change the condition to negative (using!).

if(!label.Text.Contains("No match") && !label.Text.Contains("Time out")) 




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