Unit test the delegate action is called

I have a dictionary that I use to avoid writing big if statements. It maps an enum to an action. It looks like this:

 var decisionMapper = new Dictionary<int, Action>
                                     (int) ReviewStepType.StandardLetter,
                                     () =>  
                                     (int) ReviewStepType.LetterWithComment,
                                     () => 
                                     (int) ReviewStepType.BespokeLetter,
                                     () =>              

                                     (int) ReviewStepType.AssignToCaseManager,
                                     () => 


then I call this in my method:

     decisionMapper[(int) reviewDecisionRequest.ReviewStepType]();


My question is how can I unit test these mappings? (I am using Nunit and C # 4.0)

How can I argue that when I call my decision method - that 1 is equal to the call to -caseDecisionService.ProcessSendStandardLetter (aCase).

Many thanks.


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3 answers

Thanks everyone for helping me with this. That was what I did at the end.

I poked fun at calling the action service, then calling the dictionary value, and then calling AssertWasCalled / AssertWasNotCalled. Like this:

        mapper[(int) ReviewStepType.StandardLetter].Invoke();
        caseDecisionService.AssertWasCalled(c => c.ProcessSendStandardLetter(aCase),
                                            options => options.IgnoreArguments());
        caseDecisionService.AssertWasNotCalled(c =>  
                                               options => options.IgnoreArguments());
        caseDecisionService.AssertWasNotCalled(c => 
                                               options => options.IgnoreArguments());




You cannot compare anonymous delegates (see this link). To check a Method

delegate property Action

you need to think a bit. It must match the method of the MethodInfo

method caseDecisionService

to be called. For example (you can rewrite to use a function to make the code shorter):

MethodInfo methodToCall =

MethodInfo expectedMethod =

Assert.AreSame(expectedMethod, methodToCall);




I personally would not write a unit test that directly checks which action is called in each case.

Assuming this dictionary is part of a larger system, I would write one test that goes through every dictionary action through any class that contains the dictionary. I want to check that my code is giving me the results that I expect (the result of a call ProcessSendStandardLetter()

or ProcessSendBespokeLetter()

, for example); I am less interested in how exactly this is done.



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