Fortran do-loop over conditional indexes like for-loop in R?

I have two arrays p-times-n x

and missx

, where x

contains arbitrary numbers, and missx

is an array containing zeros and ones. I need to do recursive calculations at those points where it missx

is zero. The obvious solution would be:

do i = 1, n
   do j = 1, p
      if(missx(j,i)==0) then
         z(j,i) = ... something depending on the previous computations and x(j,i)
      end if
   end do
end do


The problem with this approach is that most of the time missx

it is always 0, so there are quite a few operators if

that are always correct.

In R, I would do it like this:

for(i in 1:n)
  for(j in which(xmiss[,i]==0))
     z[j,i] <- ... something depending on the previous computations and x[j,i]


Is there a way to make an inner loop like in Fortran? I tried a version like this:

do i = 1, n
   do j = 1, xlength(i) !xlength(i) gives the number of zero-elements in x(,i)
     j2=whichx(j,i) !whichx(1:xlength(i),i) contains the indices of zero-elements in x(,i)
     z(j2,i) = ... something depending on the previous computations and x(j,i)
   end do
end do


This seemed a bit faster than the first solution (aside from the number of defining xlength

and whichx

), but is there an even smarter way to do this like the R version so I wouldn't need to store those xlength

and whichx



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1 answer

I don't think you will get a dramatic speedup anyway if you want to iterate over most of the elements, rather than just keeping a list of those that have 0 for the entire array is not an option. You can of course use the construct WHERE



forall(i = 1: n,j = 1: p,miss(j,i)==0) z(j,i) = ...


or simply

where(miss==0) z = ..


But the limitations of these constructs apply.



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