Determining the direction of the turn?

I want to rotate an object clockwise or counterclockwise. A pair of integers (0 through> 7) represents the direction the object is aiming towards (for example, left, left, up, vertical, right, ...). Adding +1 to the object's current direction rotates it clockwise, subtracting -1 rotates it counterclockwise.

If I want the object to turn in a specific direction (= integer), how do I determine the minimum number of turns needed?

I am currently using this way of thinking:

int minimumRequiredTurns = min(abs(currentDirection.intvalue - goalDirection.intvalue),
                       8 - abs(currentDirection.intvalue - goalDirection.intvalue));


Can I do this without instructions min



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6 answers

I think,

(1-(abs(abs(currentDirection.intvalue - goalDirection.intvalue)/(n/2)-1)))*(n/2)

should do the trick, where n

is the number of possible directions.

To only have whole calculations, convert this value to

(n/2)-abs(abs(currentDirection.intvalue - goalDirection.intvalue)-(n/2))

Explanation: Using the hat function to generate the map:

0 -> 0
1 -> 1
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
4 -> 4
5 -> 3
6 -> 2
7 -> 1




If you really don't like mines, you can use a lookup table.

int minRequiredTurns[8][8] = {
    0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1,
    1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2,
    2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3,
    /* and so on... */




Almost certainly a much better design would use vectors to represent directions ; treat "direction" as a pair of numbers (x,y)

, so that x

represents the horizontal direction, y

represents the vertical.

So (1,0)

will represent the opposite to the right; (0,1)

will be displayed upwards; (-1, 0)

will stand on the left; (1,1)

will stand up and right; and etc.

Then you can just use the normal vectorial solution for your problem: take the direction you are facing and the direction you want to face and take the cross product of the two.

result = x1y2 - x2y1

If the result is positive, turn it counterclockwise; if negative, turn clockwise (this works because of the correct right-hand rule that defines cross products).

Note that this approach is trivially generalized to allow arbitrary directions, not just horizontal / vertical / diagonal.



First force a positive difference and then a strength between 0 and N / 2 (0 and 4):

diff = (new-old+N)%N;
turns = diff - (diff>N/2 ? N/2 : 0)




int N = 8, turns = abs(current-goal);
if (turns > N/2) turns = N-turns;


But I don't understand why you don't want min-statement ...



No min

, no abs

, one expression, no division:

turns = ((((goalDirection + 8 - currentDirection) % 8) + 4) % 8) - 4


How it works: The innermost expression (goalDirection + 8 - currentDirection)

is the same as given by AShelley; number of revolutions required clockwise. The outermost expression displaces this by the equivalent in [-4 .. + 3]



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