MVC3 how to minimize the number of controllers
I am new to MVC3 and our project needs something like: ... ...
right now, i have product_1 as a controller; product_1_subpage as an action of this controller, however, I think I have over 100 different products, I cannot create more than 100 controllers for each individual product, I need to do something in this structure, any idea?
Thank you so much for your help, really appreciate any input.
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You probably want to have only one controller called Products for all of your products, rather than adding a new controller for each product.
When using custom routes or default routing, you can still create separate links for individual products. Also, if you were to take your approach with a new controller for each product (which you really shouldn't!), You would have to re-compile and deploy your application every time you want to add a different product, which would be a pain to maintain.
It looks like you should take a look at the MVC tutorials provided by the .Net team to get a basic understanding of MVC and how to think about it.
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Use custom routes:
"ProductsRoute", // Route name
"products/{productName}/{subName}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Product", action = "View", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults
This will do the following job:
public class ProductController : Controller
// http://yourweb/products/goggles/xray/Elite2000
public ActionResult View(string productName, string subName, string id)
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